Public code

Public code

The programs listed below are posted on GitHub, and you are welcome to use these codes for your own analyses. To download a program, follow the link provided below to access the GitHub page, then press the green 'Code' button, then 'Download ZIP'. Unzip the downloaded files, read the README and you're ready to go!

Constrain the parameters of a single planet that sculpts the inner edge of a debris disc, using the model of Pearce et al. (2022). Download the Python code here.

Measure the level of debris-disc stirring in a Rebound simulation using collisional analyses, as described in Costa, Pearce & Krivov (2024). A previous version contained a bug, which caused the collision velocity to be overestimated roughly 50% of the time. This bug was corrected on 26/01/2024. Download the Python code here.

Calculate tauMax, the collisional lifetime of the largest bodies in a debris disc, based on the model of Löhne, Krivov & Rodmann (2008). By default the code uses the assumptions in Pearce et al. (2024). Download the Python code here.

Calculate the Laplace coefficient bs(j)(α), which is used in dynamical calculations involving secular interactions or mean-motion resonances. Download the Python code here.

Calculate the absolute minimum mass that a debris disc requires to self-stir, using the model of Pearce et al. (2022). Download the Python code here.

Calculate the gap carved by a migrating planet embedded in a massive debris disc, using the model of Friebe, Pearce & Löhne (2022). Download the Python code here.